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A 5-minute Yoga exercise to ease panic attacks

Panic attacks or high levels of fear rising in our systems are not pleasant, let alone comfortable. You want to get out quickly, right? So it needs to be a simple and quick fix – like this one. I am using TCTSY* techniques in order not to trigger even more fear or trauma. Moving your arms and focusing on the muscle activation is one way to help you get back into the body and ground into the present moment.

If you’re not dealing with acute panic, PTSD or active trauma in your system, meditation and Pranayama might be beneficial as well.

Here are some of our breath tutorials and our latest guided meditation, as well as a guided laying on the floor in order to find safety:

*TCTSY stands for Trauma Center Trauma sensitive Yoga; Deborah Leela is a certified facilitator for TCTSY as she trained with the experts of Boston’s Trauma Center. To find out more about her work, visit her own website.

1 Gedanke zu „A 5-minute Yoga exercise to ease panic attacks“

  1. Liebe Deborah

    Vielen Dank für dieses Tutorial. Ich würde es gerne ausprobieren. Seit vielen Jahren leide ich unter Flugangst und Tunnelangst und mir graut vor meiner bevorstehenden Reise mit dem Zug durch den Gotthard-Basistunnel! Problem: der Sitz wird wohl nicht gross genug sein für diese Übung und ich weiss auch nicht, wie die Mitreisenden im Zug das finden würden? Gibt es „unauffälligere“ Alternativen?



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