Dein digitales Lagerfeuer
Dein digitales Lagerfeuer

Made of Awareness

Let’s practice together this weekend, shall we? The world is in turmoil, many of us face individual heartbreak and old wounds flare up again. We need ways to support ourselves and each other. Practicing is one way. But: Change isn’t happening overnight, there is no magic wand to ease the suffering of the world or your individual pain. But practicing again and again builds new pathways; new pathways toward more ease and space in your life. Take some time this weekend to care for yourself and in doing so, for the whole world.

(Note: I am simply sharing my own way of practicing here which I learned from and with Kiran Trace. I’m also influenced by my dear friend Meg Roekle who hosts monthly meditations with Embodied Together. I have not invented anything of what I offer, it is an assemblage of everything I’ve learned and my own approach to it.)

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