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Dein digitales Lagerfeuer

Meghan Roekle: “More than just a human – you might be a hobbit”

“A true story of fairies, elves, hobbits, gnomes, dwarfs and humans” – that’s the subtitle to Meghan Roekle and Kiran Trace’s new podcast, Humans Decoded. Meghan isn’t just my bestie, but also a non-dual spiritual coach and doctor in psychology, and one of the pioneers when it comes to helping people liberate themselves. What does her work have to do with being a hobbit, or any other of the magical creatures as human blueprints – join us for this deep dive into a new landscape of Life, and why it is just more God to know your human blueprint.

Here you can find the podcast “Humans Decoded”.

And for our German speaking audience: Check out my colleague Johanna di Blasi’s Blog about how Middle earth has been modelled off Switzerland.

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