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Klosters and Davos

Queen Victoria, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, William Turner and Lord Byron have one thing in common: they adored Switzerland and spent many holidays there. Starting in Klosters and Davos, places from their childhoods, Laurin and Carla take you on a journey through Switzerland and talk about Britain’s influence on the alpine nation, including ski sport, mountain climbing and the development of the Swiss railway system.

Special guest: Reverend Markus Tschanz, Lauterbrunnen

Question to the vicar: What’s the role of social media in church?

Podcast: Recording and editing by Laurin Reding and Carla Maurer; music and production by Julian Simmons

Organ music: Jacques van Oortermerssen (b. 1950), Psalm 77; performed by Peter Yardley-Jones; recorded by Julian Simmons.

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